Monday, March 3, 2008

Mr. Expelled And Miss Expellee

I curse ye Ten Thousand Times

Unlike Mr. Pakistan, Mr. Sindh or any other beautiful personality which inherits a “name” by his quality .So is Expelled Student rather Kicked Student. They might not be physically unique but they are mentally, the immediate evidence is their being Higher Secondary with splendid marks and their admission to Medical College.

Lets examine the Profile of a Ex Medical Student.

Scores of Students are expelled each year in Eight Medical Colleges. Its far sure that those who are expelled do not appear in Examination at all, or carefree to an extent that they forgo their first attempt or sometimes even second as leisure, in remaining attempts they bluff and do not make it. Also those who are expelled are always absent in examinations.
Those who do not want to be a doctor they quit quietly they do not do court cases or wait for the despicable attitude on the behalf of University ,their red tapism their white lies their limitations and their long long paper formalities and time consuming approvals which are actually DISAPPROVALS.

These are same students who build long queues in front of administarion office of UHS, PU, KEMU to plead for “mercy” which is in fact their bloody right which they had usurped
These students actually deserve attention counseling and everything which will help them to get motivated to do the degree (for they do not understand for time being that they had been adopted for best) but we are inveighed upon without any reason :we aren’t allowed to remonstrate on this respect. In fact we had been dissuaded from these things and labeled as “POLITICS” this is something which will cause them to account for the new colloquium “
Medical Feudalism” about which they abhor to talk off, poisoning the well ,false analogy, Hasty Generalizations etc

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I wish we could settle on these ideas