Monday, March 3, 2008

Hub of Problem Problem Revisited


The problem is revisited again to bring following changes IN POLICY immediately
Primarily the Number of attempts must be “infinite” since only four or five times a person attempts to clear the prof.. At least our legal right be granted that is five chances. Our Governance must not let their students trample our feet at Judiciary rather it should facilitate the students to acquire what they want . We must STOP Poisoning THE WELL.
Secondarily we must be facilitated Migration prior to passing First Professional Par-I or Part-II examination, Student must be allowed to perform in any frame he aims. We should let him to adopt any.
Internal assessment must be void for its not precise and accurate . Its 20% share is total blunder and its reckless playing with Student’s Careers. It should be terminated at once.
Its share be 2% at most ,exceeding it is just like gambling ones hard work during the course of examination. If you see the figure 22 Marks are enough to be distributed uniformly in two years i.e. 11 in each . They are almost equal to your grace marks even greater. So 22 marks instead of 220 will judge the vigor and industriousness of student more precisely and accurately in ALL MEDICAL COLLEGES THERE IS NO GAMBOLING AT ALL EITHER. A student will neither be flippant nor exceedingly careless
Allied with this demand is that student is allowed to revise his Internal assessment at any College (Even if he is migrated or not migrated) there is no harm in it except : bigotry if present.
Let him try Let plume her feathers …
At least give us a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Problem Revisited
1. Unlimited No. of Attempts for 1st Prof Composite or Segregated
2. Migration after one year irrespective of the result
3. Change of Center be allowed for examination
4. Internal Assessment (IA) must be voided
5. Share of IA should be 2% at most not 20%
6. Internal Assessment could be revised anytime
7. IA could be revised at any center
8. Do not poison the well . Listen and tell before legislation of such erratic rules

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I wish we could settle on these ideas