Monday, March 3, 2008

Life's Gift:A Doctor Has Committed Suiocide

Do You want my life who is the composer of This Web Site ? Do you want all of it? You all Haggard wheezing bloodies. Look what they have done ? Would he/she be your Son or Daughter would She OR he BE.Then I would anticipate

Recently A student in one of Punjab Medical Colleges HAS COMMITTED SUICIDE! We could not save her.

Its all bloody doing of PMDC, UHS AND KEMU Lahore!
Would I able to take revenge from you all!!!!

Anyone who is debating against Suicide bellow at the very beginniong on HOPE and that one has to remain hopeful. O' You weigher are you able to reach his/her state of Mind. What the hell you do with those divorced, charged of Molestation. Death! Isn't it? Let it be the bloodiest Slow! Why
Because they took the forbidden pleasures.
Death for taking pleasures in the Medical Colleges, We were taking the forbiddden Pleasures
All is that you say we saved the patient by kicking you? O bloody who will save the patient from you?

By the way who are you to advise us, you who himself is either Successful or not even able to reach the very culminate which he/she did

Those who has committed Adultery, Divorced, Bereaved and Expelled Medical Student has no life of their own, and just like…..
By the way who are you to advise us, you who himself is either Successful or not even able to reach the very culminate which he/she did

A sonnet is composed in the assauidity of UHS,PMDC And everyone involved in making this rule

In this sonnet a Dog (Yes!A street Dog is presented who is about to Die! He was once man but he use to do pandering and God charged him and made him Dog for this. An Expelled Medical Student comes accross him and offers him his 5 Years and others Five Decades of Life and the dog recieves the privilege by wagging his tail. The student's life was useful to him so he gave it to dog to do further pandering (Pandering means to hire or entice someoneto do prostitution)


Across a Lea I past, an it (animal)
His eyes Bulged out, his Hands shriveled
His ears fillest with White bits (HAIR)
He was Drest in attire shoveled
He wanted to Live past, Present and Future
His lips had frothed like that of Cur
He comest in my way,I noticest his nakest fur
Had he been a conventional the Bastard & Pimp

He approached me; wheezing and wagging
I asked him would thee prefer a life of Half
A decade;It did wagging and wagging: licking
“Why would thou’d? So much! Please!if more Half?”
“Oh! Ye want more? How Much? One Decade?”
O my Master Sh! Sh! ‘ I would, Ah! Anything bore
“Thou haggard street mongrel, thou though jade
I givest thee another decade of my life whore”

“Oh, My master (more passionately) ,would thou, frothing (even more)
Would thou meed me a period of thy Adolescence
For I remember not the First time, bid ye more?”
“Thou Old Faggot! ,art thou a Panderer reminiscence ”
(Cajoling with all he had) “Yesh! Ma Master”
“O Old Swindler and Slainer, How much more
Make thee mad with Lust, Desire And Its Sore
“Master I am all, a panderer. A Panderer Iam Master:”

O Rogue of the Earth and all it surround it, O Slovene Panderer
Thou knowest not to whom thee submitted, O dimorph Octogenarian
I proclaim thee all my life of Six Decades ahead, for pandering life long
So that lust ,licentiousness cling thee and nestle in thee in thy gore
Into thy accost heart; Live a longest possible life
Interspersed in O’ wizardiest Coup of the Lives of Keats, Shelley and Byron
And O bloody Mine, and those girles thou slainest and those boyest ye taketh
Which wilt make thy canine Bloodiest and Crueliest and livest a life Ten thousands Decades
And thy Bitches with thee O moronest of the Moron
Live! Slay, and remain. All Didactic Poets support thy ill
Thou had the Right to Live and You will
What if others not but thy prostitution would nought tarnish

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I wish we could settle on these ideas